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Patient Agreement , Policies & HIPAA Form

Veni-Phleb Elite, LLC is responsible for drawing and delivering specimens to the lab for processing.  VM does not collect ANY type of specimen without the order from a licensed Physician or a lab labeled requisition form.  We do not give any medical advice, give treatment or diagnose any patient.


Veni-Phleb Elite, LLC will handle all deliveries of samples to the lab.  If any sample errors that occur at the laboratory, it is not the responsibility of Veni-Phleb Elite.  If any errors shall incur and a recollection is needed, we will return for the recollection and the rate will be discussed before the appointment has taken place.  If Veni-Phleb Elite has made the error, the recollection will be done at no charge to you (the client) as long as the correct documentation is submitted in a timely manner.


Before arrival for any appointments, Veni-Phleb will need proper information collected, i.e. patient information, copy of insurance card (front and back).  This information will need to be submitted to our office within 48 hours prior to appointment time to ensure accuracy for the staff. If information is not received within the allotted time-frame, the appointment will need to be rescheduled until all proper information is obtained.


Veni-Phleb Elite is an independent company that offers this concierge service for the convenience of our clients.  We are not affiliated with any doctor’s offices, laboratories or hospitals. If there are balances that are owed to any of the said companies, Veni-Phleb Elite will not be liable for any specimens rejected due to said balances owed.  It will need to be taken up with said companies and not Veni-Phleb Elite.


Veni-Phleb Elite, LLC will not share, report or give any personal information to any not authorized within this agreement for the client.  All client information is always kept private and confidential.


Veni-Phleb Elite does not receive results on behalf of our clients.  Any results for any tests will need to be retrieved from your physician, who is the responsible party where the results are sent.


Cancellation Policy:

In the event that an appointment needs to be canceled, a 24 hour notice will need to be given to Veni-Phleb Elite so that the appropriate steps can be taken with the staff and another appointment can be made in a timely manner that is convenient for you and the company.  


Any appointments that incur “not available” when we arrive, will be charged an inconvenience fee of $25 to reschedule and re-route for the staff.  If any appointments need rescheduling, we are available via phone and text quicker than email, seeing as though staff are already out in the field.







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